Figured it was more than time for a new blog post ...
In the past few years, I have completely changed careers (due to COVID19 impacts), gotten married briefly, then I litigated my own divorce (nope, I'm not an attorney). And basically, hung onto the end of the proverbial kite string of my own life as I felt completely obliterated on a daily basis. Some days my goal was just to get out of bed, and others I dreamt big, and felt like I really was making an impact in this wild world. I have learned so very much about myself, about grace, and about how the ity-bity atomic things & habits we do each day are truly what shapes the future and our overall lives.
I have completely opened myself up, owning the great things, and the not-so-great things about myself and I have gone way outside of what is my personal comfort zone. I am excited to see where this journey takes me, and who I may meet along the way. I have made some growth with Twisted-Wood as you may have seen recently. I have adapted the term ...
I have thought a lot more about the purpose and goal behind Twisted-Wood. At first it was a mere description of something that brought my soul joy, the natural twisted up wood found out in nature. Now, however there is so much to this little business I have dreamt up, the reach and impact is vast, and I want there to be value in it beyond the material things. The word SURMOUNT means to overcome, and this seems to embody my overall life ... pushing and struggling to overcome. I used to fight the struggle and get upset about it, and then I went through a phase where I jokingly would say "trust your struggle" (yes, I even got it tattooed on my arm). I thought that was the end ... you know, just trusting the struggle, that was good enough, right? Mmmmmm ... well, enter the current phase. I think the struggle, and the trust of it, thrusts us into overcoming and becoming what we were intended to be.
Twisted wood out in nature still brings me joy, and I will always have a special tie to the terms tw and twisted-wood, however, SURMOUNT will be taking center stage and hopefully spreading the positive messages as we grow and move forward. Shown in some ways with very heartfelt messages and phrases, and in other's that snarky slapstick humor we all seem to need during times of overcoming. You know ... when you toss your hands up and just laugh like a crazy person at the millionth thing that has gone sideways that day and you just embrace it all, and feel it all, and allow yourself the laughter or tears to release and overcome.
We are all going through something, just because we don't speak on it or wear it front and center on our shirt doesn't mean it isn't there. Just know this could very well be your season of SURMOUNT!!! You aren't alone!
~ Hugs! Mariel